søndag 12. januar 2014

Fusionism in art goes back to the 1970s

About fusionism - fusionist painting

Said on the fusionist art of H.E.Saele:I hold these images for work of art that goes beyond the present time.
Professor Aleksandra Bielecka

H.E. Saele's first fusionist paintings goes back to early 1970s. The term "Fusionism" in painting is concequently used by Saele through decays. The style of fusionism was in the 1980s considered "messy", by viewers and gallery owners, referring to the mix of realism and what seems to be abstract/non figurative.
This was decays before the Internet (released by CERN, 30 april 1993) and the rise of photoshop and its like, which expression often reminds of early fusionist paintings.
Genuine fusionist  paintings are painted fully by the one and same artist. A fully personal expression.

Valley of Europe, oil on canvas 100 x 200cm. 1979 - 1980s


Fusionist exhibition Copenhagen june 25. 1999, Gallery Episteme. The exhibition was called Abstract Realism, (Abstrakt realisme, Berlingske Tidende).


Chief's Special, detail

lørdag 11. januar 2014