fredag 26. desember 2014
fredag 19. desember 2014
Art Yard Expo: hanssaeleartyard.blogspot.com
A Hans Saele quote: "After postmodernism comes cultural pee break".
Sue Hostetler and Allen Adamson on art and branding
Sue Hostetler: Well, on the face of it, I do think that in the last five to ten years there has been this heightened sense about branding oneself as an artist, among the most obvious examples being Damien Hirst, Murikami or Jeff Koons. Dealers are global, the art world is global and more competitive, and there is a frenzied immediacy with the media and the market for art – everything happens so much faster – partly the result of the Internet. In addition, there’s been a proliferation of art fairs, not just Art Basel but, most recently, Frieze New York. However, if you go all the way back, I think Picasso was really one of the first artists who thought about his work in a more global, broader manner. He realized he was a great painter, but he also realized that this ability, his innate talent, in and of itself, wasn’t going to be enough. He knew he had to create an aura, some way to define himself beyond his art to prompt fascination and intrigue if he wanted those in the art world to take note.
Allen Adamson: This is true for any brand. Yes, you’re selling a product and, first and foremost, to succeed it must be a superior product, but people also want an original back story. It’s not just the “what,” but the “who” that motivates consumers and, more so, that builds connections between consumer and brand. Both things have to work in conjunction.
SH: Certainly you raise the value, and in Picasso’s instance he knew he could raise the value and sell more art if he created this captivating brand persona. Think about it. Way before Madonna, Cher, Sting, he was known by a single name. He knew that this single moniker would set him apart from other artists. Picasso knew, as well, that he had to drive the bus in terms of his background story. If he didn’t do it, he knew someone else would, and probably not to his liking.
A Hans Saele quote: "After postmodernism comes cultural pee break".
Sue Hostetler and Allen Adamson on art and branding
Sue Hostetler: Well, on the face of it, I do think that in the last five to ten years there has been this heightened sense about branding oneself as an artist, among the most obvious examples being Damien Hirst, Murikami or Jeff Koons. Dealers are global, the art world is global and more competitive, and there is a frenzied immediacy with the media and the market for art – everything happens so much faster – partly the result of the Internet. In addition, there’s been a proliferation of art fairs, not just Art Basel but, most recently, Frieze New York. However, if you go all the way back, I think Picasso was really one of the first artists who thought about his work in a more global, broader manner. He realized he was a great painter, but he also realized that this ability, his innate talent, in and of itself, wasn’t going to be enough. He knew he had to create an aura, some way to define himself beyond his art to prompt fascination and intrigue if he wanted those in the art world to take note.
Allen Adamson: This is true for any brand. Yes, you’re selling a product and, first and foremost, to succeed it must be a superior product, but people also want an original back story. It’s not just the “what,” but the “who” that motivates consumers and, more so, that builds connections between consumer and brand. Both things have to work in conjunction.
SH: Certainly you raise the value, and in Picasso’s instance he knew he could raise the value and sell more art if he created this captivating brand persona. Think about it. Way before Madonna, Cher, Sting, he was known by a single name. He knew that this single moniker would set him apart from other artists. Picasso knew, as well, that he had to drive the bus in terms of his background story. If he didn’t do it, he knew someone else would, and probably not to his liking.
Abstract Realism, 1994
Oil on canvas © SaeleImages
Highest auctionprices for graphic works by Hans Sæle
Title | Date | Price (NOK) | |
Gogsjøpiken | Saturday Aug 19, year 2000 - kr. | 12,000 | |
Mor og datter i Gogsjø | Monday Dec 18, year 2000 - kr. | 7,500 | |
Gogsjø idyll | Thursday Aug 30, year 2001 -kr. | 5,800 | |
torsdag 18. desember 2014
mandag 8. desember 2014
Cow Observing Human Behavior
Fusionist oil painting on canvas, 1994 (detail).
© SaeleImages
In The Cut Between What Is And What Seems To Be
mandag 7. juli 2014
Abstract Reality
H.E. Saele, Oil on canvas, 2001, 100x100cm
About the term "Abstract Realism": First time the two words "Abstract and Realism" officially were used in synchronization by H.E.Saele (in order to describe a specific visual art expression) was in Gallery Episteme, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1999, the exhibiton was called "Abstrakt Realisme" - Abstract Realism. (Episteme utstillingen opplyst om i Berlingske Tidende DK 1999)
H.E.Saele: Fusionist paintings may now and then produce a sense of abstract reality.
Said on the fusionist art of H.E.Saele:
I hold these images for work of art that goes beyond the present time.
Professor Aleksandra Bielecka
H:E:Saele: You'll find the power of fusionist painting in the cut between creativity and destruction.
About fusionism in art
The style of fusionism (Abstract Realism) was in the 1980ies considered "messy" by most viewers and gallery owners, referring to the mix of realism and what seems to be abstract/non figurative. Today the same paintings hardly seems "messy".
But this was long before release of www (by CERN, 30 april 1993), and the rise of photoshop and it's like, which resulted in a commercial expression that often reminds of early fusionist paintings. The earliest obvious fusionist drawings and paitings by H.E.Saele, dates back to the 1970ies.
Oslo Art Gallery, fusjonist utstilling , september 11, 2012:
Utstillingen i Oslo Art Gallery har et retrospektivt tilsnitt og viser malerier og arbeider i blandingsteknikk på papir, noen datert tilbake til begynnelsen av 1980 tallet. Stilen veksler mellom realisme og «fusjonisme», en stilkombinasjon av det figurative og det mer abstrakte, en stil Sæle har arbeidet med siden 1970 -tallet. Birger Joachimsen, Oslo Art Gallery.
Chief's Special
Mittwoch 26. Februar 2014 um 13:55
Oslo Art Gallery hat 6 neue Fotos zu dem Album HANS SÆLE (F.1954) hinzugefügt.
John Cage, Radio Works - Hans Sæle, fusjonistiske malerier /fusionist paintings.
Wagnerinstituttet arrangerte i 1998 konsert med et østerriksk ensemble som oppførte John Cages Radio Works, sammen med en utstilling av Hans Sæles fusjonistiske 1980-talls malerier. Arrangementet var sponset av den østerrikske ambassade, og ble åpnet av den østerrikske ambassadør (the exhibition and consert was opened by the austrian ambassador).
Teie Hovedgård, Tønsberg 1998.
Link til PSCC versjoner (Hans Sæles 1980-talls fusjonisme - abstrakt realisme
Trance, oil on canvas, 1993
Link til PSCC versjoner (Hans Sæles 1980-talls fusjonisme - abstrakt realisme
In Memory Of
acrylic, pencil and pastel on paper 100x70cm
She was found in her old wedding gown, dead. She took an overdose. And yes, I once knew her.
Why the abrupt title on this heroin painting? Because we all know about someone, anyone can fill in a name.
She was found in her old wedding gown, dead. She took an overdose. And yes, I once knew her.
Why the abrupt title on this heroin painting? Because we all know about someone, anyone can fill in a name.
acrylic, pencil and pastel on paper, 100x70cm
"Ironworker" is dedicated to the artist Sigmund Aaberg who died in Africa 2013
Fusionist painting, 1994
Oil on canvas
Fusionist patterns, 1999
Oil on canvas
Ruff Grid
Oil on canvas
fredag 4. juli 2014
Fusionist painting, Chiefs Special
Said on the fusionist art of Hans E. Saele:
I hold these images for work of art that goes beyond the present time.
Professor Aleksandra Bielecka
European Fusionist Painting
The style of fusionism was in the 1980ies considered "messy", by viewers and gallery owners, referring to the mix of realism and what seems to be abstract/non figurative. (Today the same paintings hardly seems "messy").
This was long before the Internet release (by CERN, 30 april 1993) and the rise of photoshop and it's like, which resulted in a commercial expression that often reminds of early fusionist paintings.
Mittwoch 26. Februar 2014 um 13:55
Oslo Art Gallery hat 6 neue Fotos zu dem Album HANS SÆLE (F.1954) hinzugefügt.
John Cage, Radio Works - Hans Sæle, fusjonistiske malerier /fusionist paintings.
Wagnerinstituttet arrangerte konsert med et østerriksk ensemble som oppførte John Cages Radio Works, sammen med en utstilling av Hans Sæles fusjonistiske 1980-talls malerier. Arrangementet var sponset av den østerrikske ambassade, og ble åpnet av den østerrikske ambassadør (the exhibition and consert was opened by the austrian ambassador). Teie Hovedgård, Tønsberg 1998.
Abstract Reality
Link til PSCC versjoner (Hans Sæles 1980-talls fusjonisme - abstrakt realisme
Fusjonist utstilling, Oslo Art Gallery, september 2012.
Utstillingen i Oslo Art Gallery har et retrospektivt tilsnitt og viser malerier og arbeider i blandingsteknikk på papir, noen datert tilbake til begynnelsen av 1980 tallet. Stilen veksler mellom realisme og «fusjonisme», en stilkombinasjon av det figurative og det mer abstrakte, en stil Sæle har arbeidet med siden 1970 -tallet.
Birger Joachimsen (Oslo Art Gallery)
torsdag 3. juli 2014
The World of Fusionist Painting
Said on the fusionist art of H.E. Saele:
I hold these images for work of art that goes beyond the present time.
Professor Aleksandra Bielecka
Cyclus (oil on canvas) 1982
Earlier event:
John Cage, Radio Works - Hans Sæle, fusjonistiske malerier /fusionist paintings.
Wagnerinstituttet arrangerte konsert med et østerriksk ensemble som oppførte John Cages Radio Works, sammen med en utstilling av Hans Sæles fusjonistiske 1980-talls malerier. Arrangementet var sponset av den østerrikske ambassade, og ble åpnet av den østerrikske ambassadør (the exhibition and consert was opened by the austrian ambassador). Teie Hovedgård, 1998.
Abstract Reality
About fusionism - fusionist painting
H.E.Saele's first fusionist paintings goes back to the early 1970ies. The term "Fusionism" in painting is consequently used by Saele through decades. The style of fusionism was in the 1980ies considered "messy" by most viewers and gallery owners, referring to the mix of realism and what seems to be abstract/non figurative. (Today the same paintings hardly seems "messy").
This was long before release of the Internet (released by CERN, 30 april 1993) and the rise of photoshop and it's like, which resulted in a commercial expression that often reminds of early fusionist paintings.
H:E:Saele: You'll find the power of fusionist painting in the cut between creativity and destruction.
Chief's Special
Mittwoch 26. Februar 2014 um 13:55
Oslo Art Gallery hat 6 neue Fotos zu dem Album HANS SÆLE (F.1954) hinzugefügt.
John Cage, Radio Works - Hans Sæle, fusjonistiske malerier /fusionist paintings.
Wagnerinstituttet arrangerte konsert med et østerriksk ensemble som oppførte John Cages Radio Works, sammen med en utstilling av Hans Sæles fusjonistiske 1980-talls malerier. Arrangementet var sponset av den østerrikske ambassade, og ble åpnet av den østerrikske ambassadør (the exhibition and consert was opened by the austrian ambassador). Teie Hovedgård, Tønsberg 1998.
Link til PSCC versjoner (Hans Sæles 1980-talls fusjonisme - abstrakt realisme
tirsdag 10. juni 2014
Free Art Auction Prices
Free list of : Art Prices
Said on the fusionist art of H.E. Saele:
I hold these images for work of art that goes beyond the present time.
Professor Aleksandra Bielecka
H:E:Saele: You'll find the power of fusionist painting in the cut between creativity and destruction.
About fusionism - fusionist painting
H.E. Saele's first fusionist paintings goes back to early 1970ies. The term "Fusionism" in painting is consequently used by Saele through decades. The style of fusionism was in the 1980ies considered "messy", by many viewers and some gallery owners, referring to the mix of realism and what seems to be abstract/non figurative.
This was long before the Internet release (by CERN, 30 april 1993) and the rise of photoshop and it's like, which expression often reminds of early fusionist paintings.
Cyclus (oil on canvas) 1982
Link til PSCC versjoner (Hans Sæles 1980-talls fusjonisme - abstrakt realisme
søndag 16. februar 2014
Abstract realism
Valley of Europe, 1980, oil on canvas 100x200 cm.
Lysko collection
Link til PSCC versjoner (Hans Sæles 1980-talls fusjonisme - abstrakt realisme)
søndag 12. januar 2014
Fusionism in art goes back to the 1970s
About fusionism - fusionist painting
Said on the fusionist art of H.E.Saele:I hold these images for work of art that goes beyond the present time.
Professor Aleksandra Bielecka
H.E. Saele's first fusionist paintings goes back to early 1970s. The term "Fusionism" in painting is concequently used by Saele through decays. The style of fusionism was in the 1980s considered "messy", by viewers and gallery owners, referring to the mix of realism and what seems to be abstract/non figurative.
This was decays before the Internet (released by CERN, 30 april 1993) and the rise of photoshop and its like, which expression often reminds of early fusionist paintings.
Genuine fusionist paintings are painted fully by the one and same artist. A fully personal expression.
Valley of Europe, oil on canvas 100 x 200cm. 1979 - 1980s
Fusionist exhibition Copenhagen june 25. 1999, Gallery Episteme. The exhibition was called Abstract Realism, (Abstrakt realisme, Berlingske Tidende).
Chief's Special, detail
lørdag 11. januar 2014
The Protest Singer
The Protest Singer, 1983, 100x200 cm.
Last exhibited september 11, 2012, Oslo Art Gallery
Last exhibited september 11, 2012, Oslo Art Gallery
H.E. Saele fusionist painting 1982
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